Sunday, September 20, 2009

Acne Medications

Here are my thoughts on acne medications.

In modern science, there are many medications available to exempt from acne. In general, systemic therapy used when acne cases are severe and can even be used for mild cases. Systemic therapy is very effective because it works internally. All these treatments and acne medications are very important for the healing of acne because they fight against various factors that lead to acne. For full control and for a long term solution, it is a general standard of dermatologists for one or more combination therapies. Some medicines against acne in the United States are the following:

Interlesional corticosteroid injections:

If there is a severe inflammation of acne cysts, the chances of the scar and begins to tear increases. Dermatologists usually diluted by injecting steroids into the cyst to prevent severe scarring. The injection of corticosteroids begins the process of healing and reduces inflammation. It takes about 3 to 5 days for interlesional injected corticosteroids to reduce the size of the cyst.


Isotretinoin, an oral retinoid, is used to treat cystic acne out of the hand and is not corrected by other medicines against acne.

Oral antibiotics:

Oral antibiotics are used in a long period of time to treat persistent acne. Oral antibiotics work just as topical antimicrobial agents and help reduce the effects of acne, which is the main cause of acne and cause inflammation. In the case of oral antibiotics, the dosage is very strong in the first period of treatment of acne. The duration of treatment is very long, ranging from 4 to 6 months.

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