Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tips For Treating Ugly Acne Scars

Here are the tips for treating acne scars.

Millions of people suffer from acne at one point in their lives. Luckily most of you only have a few breakouts here and there that can be managed with a proper skin care routine. Unfortunately there are some folks who have to deal with severe breakouts, painful swelling, and itchy skin for a lot longer than just a few days. For those with more severe cases of acne or pimples treating the aftermath of acne and the scars left behind is part of the ordeal of living with acne.

There is a wide array of treatment options for reducing the visible signs of acne after the breakout is gone. One of the easiest ways to treat acne scarring is by using the products you have at home to make a cost effective cream or ointment. Several different variations of home treatments for scarring can be found online. These treatments are not for everyone and may actually cause additional breakouts if you aren’t careful in how you use them. Be sure to test the product in an area that is not visible just incase you suffer from some weird side-effect or reaction to the treatment. There's no point in using an acne treatment that's going to make your skin look worse and leave you feeling worse right?

Depending on the individual situation an at home remedy may not be strong enough to take away deep scarring left behind by acne. Chemical peels are one of the most commonly used products to reduce scars. Chemical peels will only work at reducing the signs of scarring if the damage to the skin is not very deep.

Deeper scars require more intensive treatments that may include dermabrasion, or laser treatments. Dermabrasion and laser treatments are much more expensive than other forms of treating scars and should only be used in severe cases of scarring. These methods go deep into the skin and are not suitable for all situations. Your dermatologist can provide you with more information on whether or not dermabrasion and laser treatments are right for you in the longterm.

When trying to reduce acne scarring it’s important to let your face heal in between treatments. More invasive procedures may require several visits to get the results you are looking for. In the end you may still have a small amount of scarring however in most patients their complexion evens out and scarring is reduced to a minimal amount as the treatments progress over time.

Of course, the easiest way to avoid having to deal with scars is to take care of your skin and treat acne before it becomes a problem. Avoid picking at breakouts as this only makes what might have started as a small problem a much bigger one. Kinda making a mountain out of a molehill type situation. Wash your hands frequently and always use products designed with your skin type in mind.

Why even suffer from acne scars in the first place? Check out the resource section of this article for more info.

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