Thursday, July 30, 2009

Homeopathic remedy for acne

Here what you need to know about homeopathic remedy for acne.

Homeopathy is a safe and cost-effective to the natural ability of the body to heal. Each homeopathic remedy has documented the specific effects on the body and mind. The homeopathic medicines are listed below for alleviating oily skin and acne, black points, pimples on the face, neck, shoulders and back, with the youth, menstruation or menopause and middle age acne.

The measures are named for their Latin name, followed by the author of Materia Medica official from whom the information on its use specified derivatives.

Antimonium tartaricum: (Boericke's) to the alleviation of Pustular eruptions, leaving a bluish-red marker.

Asterias Rubens: (Boericke's), a great relief of acne pimples, and especially in adolescence.

Kali Bromatum: (Boericke's) provides relief of acne on the face, pustules, worse on the chest and shoulders with the symptoms of itching.

Ferrum metallicum: (Boericke's) most effective for the color of the skin removed.

Hepar Sulphuris calcareum: (Boericke's) Centers its strong effect on the general unhealthy skin, cracked with cracks on the skin of the hands and feet, juvenile acne lesions, resulting from the formation of small papules on the grounds of the old injury, papules tendency pus with a stabbing pain and reduces the sensitivity of the minimum amount.

Natrum mur: (Boericke's) for relief of many skin diseases. Reduce fat, especially fat hairy skin on the sides, relieves dry eruptions on the scalp and sharp curves eruptions in the limbs, margin of the scalp and behind the ears. Great for fever blisters, warts on the palms, hives and itching after exertion.

Bloody canadensis: (Boericke) for Large red, blotchy rash that seems to be worse in the spring. To relieve itching and burning of the skin caused by heat. Lindert acne associated with menses scarce.

Selenium metallicum (Clarke's) to the alleviation of shiny, oily skin of the face, black points,
shallow ulcers, itching in the folds of skin between the fingers and joints and ankle joints in particular.

Sepia (Clarke's) Reduces pimples scurfy yellow and black pores. Useful for acne in conjunction with menstruation. Relieves itching, rash on the face, forehead and red, the roughness of the skin.

Silica (Clarke's) A wonderful cure for the earth and the pale complexion, white or red patches on the cheeks and relieve the heat in the face.

Sulfur: (Boericke's) A great solution for dry, scaly, unhealthy skin. For the measurement of pimply eruptions and pustules.

Thuja occidentalis: (Boericke's) for relief of heat in the face with redness and burning of fine networks of veins, as if marbled. For the replacement of the fat content in the skin of the face, light brown spots, Sebaceous, itching and eruptions pimples.

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